This is not a motivational book. It's a book to pull out the real you who is born to do some breathtaking shit in the world.
This section showcases the areas of Travel, Lifestyle & Luxury which I am equally passionate about.
Motivation and Inspiration doesn't work.
It's about Transformation & Revolution. We are talking about A REBIRTH in this birth.
There's nothing to suffer. Nothing to lose. Nothing to fear. Life wants you to change. Let's shift.
Hiral Nagda's quotes have been featured on multiple motivational, self help, personal growth, inspirational, writers platform, social media & personal blogs websites across the world. They have equally been featured on video streaming channels, newspapers and also found their way into the pages of published books and international magazines. They have also been translated into Spanish, Indonesian, Viatnamese, Albanian & Estonian languages.
Disrupting your current life, laying down a new lofty foundation to build a never before life which aligns around your fired up passions, heroic dreams, epic life purpose and soul mission.
Remember, we said REBIRTH!
Are you done living the same life, doing the same things?
Chasing the same people?
Worrying about the same issues?
Thinking the same thoughts?
You think something has to shift or change?
Look in the mirror. That's your change & That's your only change.
There is something within you which has the calibre to change the world in someway. It's the fire within to flick the Universe and leave your mark.
Get in here with your IMPOSSIBLE dreams & GIANT goals.
I am on a personal mission to :-
1. Make you aware of your giant unconquerable mission on this planet.
2 . Shake the sleeping Rockstar within you who is empowered to change the entire game in his / her passion.
3. Get you serious about your impossible dreams which are your calling and destiny.
4. Forge an UNSTOPPABLE bond with you till you begin thriving in life inspite of massive challenges and terrifying storms.
Let's Change. Elevate . Rise
and then keep notching it up till it boggles your mind about your own limitless potential to CHANGE, not only you, but the world.
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